Sunday, December 04, 2005

still here
Apologies if i have been missed. No, i'm not dead...worked to death, just not there yet. *phew

Will see if i manage to overload the host servers again...heh

Blurry pic from the Kostas "thingie" at Surrender some time back. Props to Earn for the little [short] brief on 06 goodies. Key notes: Denim. NBHD. Fusion. Footwear.
Best to save up. now.

Still ape-crazy...footsoldier and commandZ. peep stylee boyee...

cute toilet in a certain Sofitel hotel

clot x fragment 505 - dropped
300 hk + tw

clot x madsaki 517 - end Dec
300 hk + tw


Jan von Holleben does an awesome project Dreams of Flying. Really sweet...must try it some time

Following success of the "illegal street art installation" project, the dudes at "ihavepop" blow by real quick for installment #5: Illegal street wear installation
I love their stuff and its an interesting read on the store owners reactions...

mad Q for the Stab

pics courtesy of naive


1 comment:

Ahmad said...

I like the caps. From Fibreops? Will FEP have them?