Monday, April 04, 2005


My mind is pretty much a blank today, can't seem to do much thought why don't u go read some of these stuff and enjoy them...or not...watever

How not to get hit by bicycles
Seriously, i just snorted and did not believe the site...but it does seem to really make sense...somehow

Scientists find pain killer from poison snails
This is some cool news...hope it goes a long way to help those sufferers. Read the article here

How director Robert Rodriguez dares to take the 7 sins of movie-making for SinCity
I love this quote "I really got into this business to do new things and make really cool cinema, not to be part of a club."
Check it out here

Lastly, for us fans of street culture, "streetwear otaku", "sneakerheads" whatever you may call yourselves... have a look at what Slam has to say about the current "culture" and if you do not have an inkling of what he's feeling, then don't consider yourself a "head" or worse, a "player" in this so-called "game".


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi xymon, when I was looking for stuff on skateboarding for beginners this site came up, so I guess that you must be interested, or have commented on it at some point in the past! Anyway, if you do like skateboarding for beginners check it out. There is a blog there too, to repay the favour!