Saturday, April 22, 2006

Ear Wax

Some liners for yer feelers:

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Its pretty hard to pin down what i really like..i much basically listen to anything. Some old skool stuff like 2 Live Crew and Black Flag kinda rock those sleepy nites away, while Sergio Mendes' tunes are jivin'. LL's new shit is bumpin' up the charts as well, the single "control myself" with JLo is on constant replay on my iTunes. L mixes it up with some rips from his older records which the young 'uns don't know about, and that's cool enough for me.

Current heavy-rotation tune on my pc: FreeDiving(stereo MC's remix) by Ben Lee. the loop is too hypnotic to miss, been after the CD single ever since i heard it in the original LP. Now i can replay it all nite long, muahahahaha (*evil laugh)

Worn out, by still a nice T

Weather's been flip-flopping like crazy recently, check out these nice clouds on my way to work. I think those are cirronimbus? Sorry, its been ages since my last Geography class, heh heh

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