adidas commisioned a couple of directors to get creative and envision their adicolor campaign in video-form. All pretty well-done, my fave's the white video

You can't really miss this kid when you're in the shopping belt of Orchard Road in Singapore. Parked outside a popular shopping mall, and right smack in the middle of the busiest traffic junction in town, this kid, all 7years of him, takes the centre-stage on his drum-kit. Boy, does he really grab your attention! He's been pounding the skins since the age of 2, and busking since 5! I don't know about you, i don't think i knew much more than crawling and bawling at that age.
The next time you pop by town/country, make sure you catch him in action. For now, check out some video shorts from you tube and his own personal website.
Now, before you think child-labor and silly stuff like that, rest assured, this kid enjoys his time in public, and he defintely has talent to boot. Seriously, i could even envision him accompanying some collaborations ala DJ Shadow!
And that would be the sound you make when you are sunburnt.
Not exactly my kind of fun, but this one is cute
Stussy Medicom 10th Anni