Saturday, March 26, 2011

the circle is complete

I'd been tracking this print design for some time. Its usually ridiculously priced in the original DS form: shrink-wrapped in the shape of the Mowax space gun. Well, it happened that the seller had another piece that was opened but unworn in his collection (yes, there are other nuts like me around in the universe) that he was willing to let go. Why the hunt for this print?...hmm, cos it goes well with the vinyl toy? :D
Yes, obviously it goes a while back, printed on Oneita power tee, to remind us the time when the triumvirate of Futura, James and Nigo ruled all hype-dom.

the space gun detail is all thats left of the original packaging. notice the tee print is "James vs Nigo" while the toy box is "Nigo vs James"?

front view: pointy-men and "MW" Mowax insignias on the sleeves

back view: Futura signs off his graphic contribution

detail: good ol' days of Futuraoptics


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